Life brings questions. God has answers.

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Even Jesus knew He needed time alone every day with God.

I recently read a book on time management practices of successful...

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How can someone support THAT candidate!?

Denver 7 was live on Facebook. Two political protests were taking place nearby and they were headed towards each other. It was...

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Tags: Relationships, Culture

Parent Questions: Does Dedicating a Child to God “Save” Them?

(Editor's note: Orchard Church holds semi-annual child dedication events for parents who wish to participate.)

When talking to...

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Tags: Family

Parenting Young Athletes by Reza Zadeh

Parenting Young Athletes

Parenting a young athlete is full of challenges and rewards. Reza Zadeh gives some practical advice in...

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Tags: Family

Right or Left? - Equipping your teen for a politically volatile world
Practicing how to respectfully disagree will actually deepen your relationship with your teen.

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Tags: Relationships, Culture, Family

Divided in Politics, United in Love

My parents never agreed on politics, but they always managed to love each other.

I love my parents for a lot of reasons. In this...

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Tags: Self

Don't Worry? Really??
By Doug Dameron On September 11, 2020

Don't Worry? Really??

Because you worry about something doesn’t make you weird, it just makes you human.

There’s plenty to worry about in life,...

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Tags: Self

How to Win at Work
By Ryan Dickinson On September 4, 2020

How to Win at Work

Want the inside scoop on what makes you retainable & promotable in an uncertain work environment? No matter your field, here is...

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Tags: Money, Work

Are you struggling like me?

Getting through the rest of this year is requiring some mental, emotional and spiritual toughness. I am a planner. I like to have...

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Tags: Self, Culture

The 'B Word'
By Ryan Singleton On September 3, 2020

The 'B Word'

Have you said that word to each other yet? That uncomfortable B word that everyone hates? That word that makes you cringe at the...

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Tags: Money, Family

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