Growth Track #1: How do I Know I've Found Jesus?


Thank you for checking out Growth Track! In this episode, join me and my wife Shellie as we discuss what saying "Yes" to Jesus means, and the Next Steps in your new relationship with Him! 

In this episode, we will discuss:

  • What is so significant about Jesus?
  • What does the Bible say about saying yes to Him?
  • Why a relationship with Jesus is based on faith and not on good works.
  • If Jesus died for everyone, then why doesn't everyone have a good relationship with Him?


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Growth Track #2: How do I Follow Jesus?

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Thank you for checking out Growth Track! In this episode, join me and my wife Shellie as we discuss how to follow Jesus by connecting in the church and taking what we call Next Steps in your new relationship with Him! 

In this episode, we will discuss:

  • What is one of the most important keys to spiritual growth?
  • What is the church?
  • Why should I be faithful in coming to church?


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Growth Track #3: How do I follow Jesus when I am not at church?


Thank you for checking out Growth Track! In this episode, join me and my wife Shellie as we discuss how you can grow in your personal relationship with Jesus outside of church.

In this episode, we will discuss:

  • If I want to grow in my relationship with God, how often should I read the Bible and pray?
  • Where do I start in reading the Bible?
  • How do I pray?
  • How can I be consistent in Bible reading and prayer?


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Growth Track #4: What is Baptism and Communion?


Thank you for checking out Growth Track! In this episode, join me and my wife Shellie as we discuss how the Next Step of Baptism and the practice of Communion. In this episode, we will discuss:

  • Why should someone be baptized?
  • Does baptism "save" you?
  • Can I be baptized more than once? Should I?
  • What is the meaning of Communion?
  • How often should I partake in Communion?


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Growth Track #5: How do I Live on Mission?


Thank you for checking out Growth Track! In this episode, join me and my wife Shellie as we discuss how, as followers of Jesus, we can live "on mission". In this episode, we will discuss:

  • What is our mission as followers of Jesus?
  • What are the ways that we can live on mission?
  • Why is relationship with others so important?
  • Why is serving others so important?
  • How can I share my faith with others?


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