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There is Purpose in Your Pain

Written by Ellie Boyd - Guest Writer | Mar 2, 2022 5:05:46 PM

When faced with pain, challenges, and trouble, we are left to piece together purpose. It’s not uncommon to ask, “Why is this happening?” Some of us use logic to figure out the whys of life. Some of us try to escape through partying, hobbies, or other things. Still others turn to God to seek a higher meaning. Our new message series “Purpose” explores this theme and wrestles with the questions that we all ask in our afflictions. 

We believe God has a purpose in our pain. He not only crafts good from our circumstances, he is with us every step of the way. God does not abandon us in our suffering while he weaves in goodness. This might be an entirely new concept for you. How can something horrible result in any good?  

In the Bible, we see several examples of how God has caused beauty to come from ashes. Your pain is not useless. We don’t want those hard circumstances to bury you but to be used by God to propel your purpose. Curious how? We invite you to watch our latest message titled, “There’s Purpose in Your Pain.” 


We all go through hardship and experience suffering. God sees your pain and is not distant from you in your sorrows. And though it is hard to see, we believe that the Lord will produce purpose through your trials. With God, nothing is wasted. Watch this video to be encouraged on how God allows pain in our lives to prepare us for bigger things.


Orchard Church is a non-denominational church in Brighton, CO where Nobody's Perfect, Everyone's Welcome, and Anything's Possible.