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Kiss Fear Goodbye

Written by Shellie Dameron | Nov 20, 2020 4:06:56 PM
It isn’t like me to be fearful but 2020 has taken its toll on even the most optimistic of souls.

It seems there is no way to get around fear these days. You open your phone, you turn on the TV, you talk to a friend, you go to work, the uncertainty and unknown is all around us. What are the new restrictions? Who will be the next president? Who is the new friend or family member with Covid 19? Will I or someone I love be laid off? Are the kids in school or schooling remotely? 2020 just won’t let up! All of this strikes a level of fear within all of us. How much more can we take?

I will be honest with you, I have had my good moments and my bad moments this year. Sometimes, I am good and sometimes fear has kept me awake at night. I mull over all of the uncertainty and unknown like a script in my head that won’t stop. It isn’t like me to be fearful but 2020 has taken its toll on even the most optimistic of souls. Sometimes you just have to say it outloud, “This STINKS!”

So what do we do? Do we just put on a happy face and hope for the best? I want to let you in a little secret that has really helped me get out of the gloom and doom. Here are 3 things I have chosen to focus on and since I have, fear has lost its grip on me.

Focus on the fact that God holds our future

God is Sovereign. Sovereign means to have supreme power or authority. God is the answer to ALL the unknowns! He has supreme power and authority! He knows the end from the beginning.

Jer 49:19 says I will appoint the leader of my choice. For who is like me, and who can challenge me? What ruler can oppose my will?

Rom 13:1 all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.

I Cor 2:9 “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”

God has final say in who is our president. God has final say in those leaders who are making decisions about masks and numbers and restrictions. He has a plan. I have made a conscious decision to look past those in authority and see a God who rules it all. I see a God who is smarter than me.

I have seen this same God take the most desperate of situations, allowing His one and only Son to die on a cross, and turn it around for our good! What about Jesus? He could have said one word and the angels could have taken Him off of that cross and yet, He was obedient to the authority placed over Him. Why? Because Jesus knew God had a plan and it was better than His. Thank God He was obedient! Our eternity depended on that obedience!

Our world may not get easier. In fact, if you read Revelation, I am confident that it will get worse before it gets better. But, I am OK with that because I know the God who holds tomorrow and I know my tomorrow is safe in His Almighty Hands.

Focus on the fact that He has been faithful in the past

I don’t know about you, but I have seen God do some pretty amazing things in my past. I have seen Him take situations that I did not think could possibly have a good outcome and turn it into something good. Actually, not just something good but something amazing, something life-changing! I have seen His faithfulness in the past and I know He will be faithful in the future. I have a track record with God. I have seen His faithfulness first hand.

Maybe you don’t have a track record with God. Well, consider this the first of many times when you have an opportunity to trust God. Ask God to give you faith. Tell Him how you feel. Commit your situation to God and wait with expectancy to see Him work. He will! It may not be how you expected but I know He will work on your behalf.

Lam. 3:23 Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.


Focus on the fact that He is with you NOW!

One of God’s names is “I Am”. (Exodus 3:14) It isn’t “I was” or “I will be”. It is “I Am”. Because He is working every second, every minute, right NOW!! He is the God of this moment in your life. He is with you now.

Heb 13:5 For God has said, I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.”


He has a purpose for your life right now. He doesn’t have to wait until 2021. I encourage you to read Psalms 139. Let the presence of our almighty, faithful, sovereign God wash over you. Commit your past, your present and your future to Him and kiss fear goodbye.

I John 4:18 Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear.